Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bullet League

its not the most unique game, but it is in its genre. bullet league is a 2d shooter platformer. just imagine a bigger smash bros. stage or mario bros. meets call of duty, or a more flexible metal slug. These description are what i hav to say about Bullet League. Of course there is a bigger map but like any other open-world platformer shooter, the map gets smaller in time. Dont fret though because you can pick up power ups and items along the way as you battle. I dont really know yet what harvesting crystals does. Anyway i left you a sample video and link to dowload the game to your Apple and Android Devices. Enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the link to your Android Devices:

Commercials (like wtf)

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Jacob Blake

i dont mean to add salt to the wound but this is the latest in the string of crap that is the us news. a civilian Jacob Blake was shot 7 times at yhe back in point blank range. Isnt that a bit excessive? i posted the video and the latest news on this incident. i think we should ban guns altogether ans just use force because there would be less human errors and human casualties. Also it is under Trumps watch that this happened in his country. So to say that this was an isolated incident or an individual case is just plain irresponsible.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

City Gangs: San Andreas

Much like the name suggests City Gangs is an “ add em up” game, where the objective is to gather up the most members in your gang. I dont really know if this game was meant to be a spin off or something, but it does not show any sign of the GTA franchise anywhere. Objective is the gang with the most number will be indestructible and thus win the game. There are various level ups you can pick up along the way, you can pick up a weapon or a skin for your gang. Whichever it may be the game still sticks with its objective, which is the more players, the more chances that you would win. Thank you Azur Interactive Games Limited. You trully are an amazing bunch for making this game. I left a link for you down below to see the game play and links for you to download the game to your Apple and Android devices.

Click on the link to download the game to you Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rag Duel

This is a shooter game, but it's not your conventional fps. this is more of a casual shooter. It is a 1v1 type of game and can be played without a network. So you will basically be playing with the computer. the controls are pretty simple, just tap to shoot and shoot to swing the arm and let the momentum of the gun take over. Its basically a guesstimate to hit the enemy. Thank you Voodoo for an amazing game. 

Click the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Football Strike

This is a casual sports game where you get to play both the goalie and the stiker of an opposing team. The objective is simple, it is to shoot the ball into the goal if you are the striker and to defend the goal if you are the goalie. This is a network game and will automatically pit you against another player from around the globe. This game is from Miniclip, the people that brought you 8 ball pool and dude perfect. So the physics of the game are good and the sensitivity is downright awesome. Don’t expect the player to make a super strong kick or chase the ball uncontollably. Thank you Mini Clip for an awesome game, keep up the good work and more power! Enjoy!

click on the link to download the game to your Apple devices:

click on the link to download the game to your Android devices:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Covid Wise

Now, we have been in a state of pandemic the last 6 months and thankfully there are good people at the Virginia Department of Health who has developed a contact tracing app to make life easier. Enter, Covid Wise an app which uses your phones bluetooth to detect other positives or negatives in the area. Thing is, they must have d app themselves. I posted some of the screenshots below for ur reference hopefully none of y'all were exposed. Thank you to the Virginia Dept. of Health for taking the initiative in solving this pandemic. Praying for everyones safety!!!

I also provided where you may download the app. Unfortunately it's only available on apple devices.

click on the link below to download the app to yourApple Devices:

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Tanks A Lot

If you like tanks, like i do, then you will enjoy this new tank game. Its a 3v3 pvp, but sometimes the servers add bots to the mix. They don’t lie about it, But bot or not its still a lot of fun. If you play the game long enough u would be able to make upgrades to your tank and thus getting the W, in the end. There is a time limit to every game and the team with the most kills, wins the game. The controls are pretty easy and are not confusing, left for directions and right for actions like shooting and bombing. Thanks to Boombit For the wonderfully made game, more power to you guys, this trully is an addicting game which everyone must try. Enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game on your apple devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your android devices:

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Tacticool is a nice 5v5 pvp shooter, so you do need a semblance of a network. it is nice to look at graphics wise the view is a top down shooter. To aim, you only need to aim the cursor on the enemy. The cursor is attached to your background so fair warning to those who easily get nauseous. Big thanks to Panzer Dog Oy for making an amazing game. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Car races are good but bike races are awesome. here comes d latest of my posts which is a bike racing game. There are a lot of bike racing games out there. But few as simple and as casual as this. This takes me back to a time when i would sneak in a racing game on the play station, as a kid, the game of choice, Roadrash. the objective of Flip us to win the race and eliminate other bike racers in the process. It is a single player game. Thank you to  Whalelp Limited for making an awesome game, more power to you all. I also left a link so you can check out the game play. I also left links for you to download the game to your apple and android devices.

Click on the link to download the game to your apple devices:

Click on the link to download on your android devices:

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Hot Wheels Infinite Loop

Did u ever play with hot wheels and even have your own track? Well this game will definitely will give you a hint of nostalgia. you can win new cars and make upgrades. i have started racing and i have just seen one track. It is set in a New Yorkesque background. the graphics are really nice and crisp. The objective aside from racing, is to take out or eliminate other opposing cars. I left you guys a Youtube video to see the game play. I also left you guys a link to download the game to your Apple and Android devices. Beautiful job to Mattel inc. you guys have trully made a beutiful game.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cluck Night

I was searching for a game for you guys which would be enjoyable to play kind of like my previous posts of horrorfields and horrorshow where there is an element of hide and seek, which is also a pvp. Then I stumbled on Cluck Night, a 5 player pvp where the objective, if you play the fowl is to fix the generators and escape your handler or herder. If you play the herder, you must find all the chickens and prevent them from escaping to win the game. Thats basically the objective. The characters are cartoonish but cute, the chicken look like they are well fed and the herder look like, well the colonel. i left you a sample video to see the game play and link to download the game to your apple and android devices. great job to Coconut Island Games Limited, more power! Enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

click on the link for your Android Devices:

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Cookies Must Die

Cookies must die is a  2d fast-paced action-platformer. Unlike Mario where you have Goombas and Evil Mushrooms to deal with, you have cookies to deal with and eliminate. The game is a single player game and goes about by stages. You also get to try different weapons as you earn points and progress through the game. The graphics are very nicely made and is a 100 on the cartoonish appeal. Good Job Cezary Rajkowski, great job on the game.

it is 383.6 MB on the app store and only 93 MB on the Google Play store. i left a Youtube link below for you to. Also links for you Apple and Android Devices. Enjoy!!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Friday, August 7, 2020

Ninja Up

Ninja Up is a casual/adventure game by What (games). the objective is to draw a line under your jumping ninja, with your finger and to avoid obstacles like other already suspended ninjas or debris sticking out. Hitting these will cause your ninja to fall and like life,you only get one chance. its a beutifully made game with cartoonish graphics which makes it cute to play. the game is 192.7 MB on the Apple App Store and just 55Mb on the Google play store. Anyway i left you a sample video on how the game is played and link to download the game to your Apple and Android devices. Good job What (games) for the awesome game. enjoy!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Ancient Battle

Much like my previous post (popular wars), Ancient Battle is a unique type of “add em up” game wherein you dont just have to add people up as you go along. The people you add up has functions and levels. it is a medieval type of game, so if knights,archers and horsemen are your thing, then this game is definitely for you. The objective is to gather as much people there are available in the map and do battle with the other player. Of cors, it would be advisable to go up against a player with lower stats, which can be seen represented by a number. Once you defeat all the players in the game, then you would have won energy and jewels to which you would need the energy to play more games and the jewels to upgrade your individual soldiers to become stronger. Thank you to Lion Games and Mandrill for the great and unique game. You have truly shone a unique light on the “ add em up” genre. I left a Youtube link and links so you can download the game to your Apple and Android Devices.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Popular Wars

Popular Wars

Popular wars is a casual“add em up “ game wherein the theme is that you are in highschool. The objective of the game is to add the most number of followers as compared to other players. You may also eat or defeat ur opponent if, you have ammassed a big enough crowd bigger than his or hers. it is sort of a network game since you would need a semblance of internet for your opponents or other players, which the computer automatically picks.  Anyway i left you a sample video on Youtube, on how the game looks. I also left you links to download the game to your Apple or Android devices. Great job Lion Studios. Enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to youApple Devices:

Click the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Reckless Getaway 2

I've never really played RecklessGetaway 1 but im sure it would be like Reckless Getaway 2 wherein you play the bad guy instead of the cops, much like the previous post i have( ) There is nothing more than i can say but good job to this game and big props to Pixelbite for the amazing game. By the way if you get cornered, you dont immediately get arrested, you have 3 seconds to escape that corner before you get busted.The graphics and the car options are also awesome as they are funny. I personally was driving a forklift as a getaway vehicle, not too smart. Anyway i left a sample video for you guys, to view the game play. and links so you can download the game. Enjoy!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your apple devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your android devices:

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Xeno Werks

If you are into top down shooters as i am then Xenoworks is the game for you. I would classify Xenoworks as an action RPG, abtually there is also an element of horror and sci-fi rolled into one. There is no denying that love was put into this game, as the textures and attention to detail are top notch. Good job Pixelbite for the great game. You have trully outdone yourselves.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Undead City

Hi guys! Welcome to a brand new week! And with a new week, comes a new game, Undead City. It is a survival game and if you are into Marvel c...