Sunday, June 7, 2020


What can i say about this game... it gives a lingering sense of fright..haha for those looking for an awesome, unique and fast-paced game you would have to look no further. Are you a fan of 80's slasher movies or those slasher movies wherein the character is chased by a burly monster man, then this game is right up your alley.

You can play the escaping heroes or the hunting villain, that is if u garner enough points throughout playing the game. Then you are stuck playing the hero. The only game i have played where you can play the villain is Natural Selections, which is on PC. This game is trully revolutionary for mobile gaming. The requirements are not that heavy 201.1 MB is required and requires ios 9 or higher. Good job Skytec games amazing job on a well done game. I left a link below for you to view the game play. And links for your apple and android devices.

click on the link for your apple devices:

click on the link for your android devices:

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