Friday, June 5, 2020

Candace Owens Social Media Rant

First off,this doesnt directly affect me as I live in another country. Secodly, I do have family in the states and it makes me sad to see the state the US is in. Third, this may not affect me but does speak volumes on how people react to the situation. It is like we going back in time back to the 60's. Ok so back to the video, I think and this is just my own unbiased and educated opinion is that George Floyd should not be treated as a hero.

He should be treated as any human being should have been treated. Speaking of his previous offenses is irrelevant to whether he was a bad guy with a really long rap sheet. Media just played the race card and ran with it. Just my two cent on the matter. George Floyd may have been a bad guy or a good guy but the fact of the matter was that he was a human being, treated like an animal, which to me is wrong. Let me know your thoughts,thanks!

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