Thursday, July 16, 2020

Cat and

As the name suggest cat and mouse is a “ chase me” type of game a new concept of gaming broght to you by “Homa Games”. The objective of the game is to out run the “cats”, which are really human players, and thats if you are playing the mice and collect jems scattered around the map. If you are playing the cat, you have to catch the “ mice” which are after the gems. It’s real fun playing which ever side you are assigned. Oh and assigning which side you play is random. It is a network game so it may need a prencense of a wifi or data network, although minimal data is consumed. Anyway, i left a sample video for you guys to view the game, good job Homa Games. I also left a links for apple and android for you to download the game.I hope you enjoy!!

Click on the link to download the game to your apple devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your android devices:

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