Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Space Shooter

i hope that most of you are still with me this middle of the week. Todays game clearly takes inspiration from the classic games like galaga and galaxian. Its nice to see that games like this or of this genre made its way onto mobile. It trully brings me back to when I was a kid and would sneak a quick game. but those days are long gone but not so, thanks to this. I left you guys a sample video of the game play. The type of weapons and ships you get also show good progression. You rarely intentionally miss out on a power-up. Oh by tne way this game requires inet because it would need to access the scoreboard. Thank you to Rocket Go Global PTE. Thanks again for your continuos support and dedication, keep gaming. Enjoy!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices: 


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