Sunday, March 28, 2021

Hot Wheels Unlimited

Finally a game that stayed true to its roots and the franchise. well, first of all a budding Monday to everyone!!! today's game is Hot Wheels Unlimited. well, if u played this as a kid, then you would know the thrill of racing through your custom made track. well, that minus the clean-up. This Hot Wheels game lets you custom build your tracks with given pieces and lets you race with ypur first car which is usually the Dodge Challenger. The controls are pretty neat as well, you can choose between the on-board (joystick) or the gyroscopic control to steer the car. I preffer the on-board since I'm a console player, creature of habit is all. well, big ups and thank you to Budge Studios, you guys have trully made an amazing game, like a time machine back to my childhood.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Hot Wheels Unlimited by Budge Studios

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

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