Friday, May 28, 2021

June's Journey

Hi guys and welcome to the end of the week! now before you head out and get drinks or just chill in your sofa. I have an awesome chill out game for you. It is a sort of mystery/searching game. Well, my girl is into these kinds of games and especially when there is no time limit in searching for the items. Props to Wooga gmbh for providong the great game. I hope you enjoy the sample video I have made for you guys. Also there are link to uour Apple and Android Devices.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

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Undead City

Hi guys! Welcome to a brand new week! And with a new week, comes a new game, Undead City. It is a survival game and if you are into Marvel c...