Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Jump Dunk 3d

 Jump dunk 3d

Well hello and welcome to another middle of the week. First of all, its my birthday! But it doesnt seem like it... My home boy ching passed away yday and it seems that I have to close 2020 on a sad note, but really, stupid year. Anyway the game i have for you today is a casual basketball game. Jump Dunk, well the name really combines jumping and shooting hoops. You don’t really dunk the ball but shoot it through the hoop while jumping on a trampoline while avoiding obstacles. So you have to aim the ball just right with the trajectory of your shot being just right. Well i left you a sample video and links to download the game. Thank you Voodoo for providing an entertaining game.


Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:


Click on the link to download the lgame to your Android Devices:


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