Sunday, December 20, 2020

Wacky Run

 Welcome to another start of the week, i hpe the week treats you right. Oh, hopes and prayers to the teams resposible for the vaccine roll-out and a happy birthday to my baby, I wish u all the blessings and good fortune. Anyhoo, this weeks game is a racing game, no its not the road racing type of race, but a leg based race. you play as sausage-type thingy and avoid obstacles to mke it to the end of the course, of course along the way you must avoid obstacles, obstacles that will leave you dismembered and basically chopped in half. You may also crawl to the finish line, if u like. I left u a video and links to download the game. Leave a comment if you think that this would be a good "bar" game. Thanks guys and enjoy!!!

Click on the link velow ro download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

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