Thursday, April 29, 2021

Godzilla Destruction

 First off happy Friday guys!! Congrats on making it thru the week. As for me, the week wasn't so hard on me. But I am happy to be sharing this game with you. This game I hav for you guys is called Godzilla Destruction.  If you are a fan of the Japanese version Godzilla then this game is a must try. Basically in the game, you play as Godzilla, wreking havoc and just destroying all the things stopping you, tanks, boats, helicopters. the game also offers you a map of japan, easter, western. and a map of the USA. which i have'nt tried yet because you must reach a certain level to unlock it. Basically the controls are self explanatory..You control Godzilla through an on-screen joystick and tap on the button to activate his radiation breath blast for ranged attacking. I left you guys a sample game play and an Apple link to download the game. Im sorry as it is not available on Google. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I have. By the way, thank you to TOHO Co. Ltd for the awesome game. Banzai!!! and enjoy!!!

none on android

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