Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Pusher 3D

Hi guys! welcome to another Wednesday with your boi Nate, anyway i hpe the week has been alright to you guys so far. Well, todays game is somewhat of a strategy/puzzle game by Voodoo. I must say Voodoo has outdone themselves with this one. Great concept and all around execution. The idea is you have 3 lanes to defend, with your 3 types of " soldier" ranging from the "thin one" to the "big one" now, you place those "soldiers" in one of the lanes and they force or push the opponent to the oppodite for the W. It's kind of like tug of war, but pushing insteas of pulling. Only one lane, any of the 3 needs to be secured for the W. I left a sample video on Youtube for you guys and links for your Apple and Android Devices if you guys enjoyed the vid please download the game. Thank you and enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:


Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:


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