Monday, August 30, 2021

Online Bar: Clash Royale

HI guys welcome to another Tuesday with your boi Nate, well I`d just want to rave about my latest purchase which is a Bluetooth keypad,which i`m currently using to write this entry, Thanks to Shopee for the speedy delivery. There is not an actual brand and is generic, but it does the job well and its a pleasure to type on something you can actually feel. Anyway that`s it for me, hope you guys are having a great week. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Angry Birds 2

Welcome to another start of the week, I’d like to start the week off with another game by Rovio, Called Angry Birds 2 the sequel is just as good and quirky. Same characters except the red one has a new power-up well so far as I have played it. As you progress in the game, there will be more characters with new power-ups. There are still in-game purchases but they are not at all intrusive. The game-play is pretty much the same as the previous game.  This sequel truly captures the essence of the franchise Angry Birds. Thank you guys for sticking around and I hope this brings some joy to your week, enjoy! Below, I left you a sample video and links to download the game to your Apple and Android devices. Thank you and enjoy!!!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Friday, August 27, 2021

Tetris Mobile

Welcome to the last day of the week! I hope that you are doing all well and the week has been kind to you! Well, before all the good times start I would like to share with you a timeless classic game called Tetris! I remember playing this on the nes system and just having a ball! Anyway, it’s on mobile now which is awesome! Graphics are nice and crisp, but unlike playing on a console there are differences in the controls, wherein to switch positions, you must tap the screen to change the position of the block and to drag the block down, you must swipe down. It’s different but still manageable. The music has been retained, which takes me back. Anyway, I left you a sample video of the game and links to the game to download it to your Apple and Android Devices! Thank you to N3TWORK INC for the awesome and nostalgic game! And thank you guys! Enjoy!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Onlline Bar: Clash of Clans

Hi guys, hope are you doing? Well, one more day till the weekend, but it doesn’t matter cuz it’s still the pandemic and we are still living in this nightmare. Anyway hope all of you are doing good with your families. This has been one of the good games I have played, my opponent didn’t let up attacking but, what can I say, I still got the w. Thanks to catfleatreatent and Thanks for keeping it with your boi, I hope this game brings you tons of fun! Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Online Bar: Clash Royale

 Gmrning guys! Well this was an awesome game with analina. Although she did not get to destroy my castle nor did I hers, she did not let up. Anyway, thanks for keeping it with me. I hope you have a great week ahead! Thanks for supporting the channel!! Enjoy!!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Ava Airborne

Hi guys welcome to another week witcha boy Nate. I wish you all had a great weekend! This weeks game is in short both a visually beautiful and entertaining game. The game is Ava Airborn. It is a racer/flyer with very nice visually, cheers to the artists! This game takes of the edge in your day. Thanks to Play Stack London for the wonderfully produced game and thanks for keeping it with your boi, as always. I wish u guys a great week ahead, enjoy!!! oh, by the way this game is only available on Apple, maybe it’s still making it to Android. Hope you guys enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

None on google

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bridge Race

Hi guys, today I have a super game for you, it’s a casual race game which is sure to tickle your interest. It is called Bridge Race and is brought to you by Supersonic Studios. This game is not really new in a sense but its new to my channel. You may have heard about this neat game in other platforms. The objective of the game is simple, collect the color of the brick corresponding to your guy and build the bridge to the finish line. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the weekend!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to yourAndroid Devices:

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

2 Player Games


2 Player Games

I guys how are things going for you in the middle of the week? I hope y’all are doing fine. Today’s game are for those families with two kids or maybe those who like to play amongst each other. Today’s game is called 2 Player Games. It is brought to you by Moreno Maio and is basically a collection of games you can play on one tablet or smartphone, with another player physically present. it could also play one player, in which case you can play with the computer. Some of the games include Chess, Pool, Checkers and my favorite, Ping-Pong just to name a few. I know what you all are thinking, there is WiFi, why not play these games over the net. But I think that is the point of this game, to bring us closer together, and to value each other’s presence. Thank you guys and hope you enjoy the game! 

Click on the link to download the game to your iPhone devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android devices:

Monday, August 16, 2021

Online Bar: Clash Royale

hi folks! welcome to another Tuesday with your boi! The game I have for u is still Clash Royale and I had a battle with leomi08. Twas a good battle, nonetheless i won it. Great battle though, my forces just overwhelmed his forces. Thanks for keeping it with your boi! I hope you have a great week ahead!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Mech Arena: Robot Showdown

Hi guys and welcome to a brand spanking new week! Today game is somewhat awesome game, to say the least. This brought me back to the time where I used to play Mech Warrior in a friends house, they had a sidewinder and was hooked up to an awesome stereo speaker to really immerse you. Of course this game brings the same amount of interactivity for the fraction of the price, you don’t have to invest in a sidewinder for the controls because it has an on board game control, left side for directional button an right for the actions, shooting And boosts. Too bad the only thing lacking is a strafe function. All in all 10/10 in the graphics department and a 9/10 for the controls. Thank you Plarium Global Ltd. for the awesome game!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Friday, August 13, 2021

Weekend Post

*contains covid related warnings

Very important info !!! to stay alive

🟥🟨🟥 *非常重要的信息!!!为活着*

*All those vaccinated MUST READ!!!*


To the editors-in-chief of Sin Chew Daily, China Daily and Oriental Daily:


A few days ago, many citizens who were vaccinated have also contracted Covid-19 and died, among of which are middle-aged and elderly.  It hurts me very much, especially since many of them were friends from the neighbourhood I know.  According to the verbal information received, the dead were infected within one and a half month after the vaccination.  🟨🟥

几天前,许多接种疫苗的公民也感染了新冠肺炎而死亡,其中包括中老年人。 这让我感觉很伤心,尤其是因为他们中的许多人都是我所认识的邻居朋友。 根据收到的口头信息,死者在接种疫苗后的一个半月内被感染。

I know that when we are vaccinated, our immunity is lower than before.  Therefore, the chance of contracting Covid-19 is higher.  However, most of our citizens lack this knowledge. After being vaccinated, they think they don’t need to wear masks, wash hands frequently and disinfect frequently; they would go to market and walk around, etc...  As a result, these unfortunate citizens fall sick!  

我知道当我们接种疫苗时,我们的免疫力比以前更低。 因此,感染新冠肺炎的机会更高。 然而,我们大部分市民都缺乏这方面的知识。 接种疫苗后,他们认为不需要戴口罩、勤洗手、勤消毒; 他们会去市场走动等等……结果,这些公民不幸的染疫了!

There are also some people who know that their immunity will be lower after vaccination.  However, they have misunderstood the length of the low immunity period, and some think it is only a one short week.  It is this misunderstanding that leads them to an early death.

 也有一些人知道接种疫苗后免疫力会降低。 然而,他们误解了低免疫力期的期限,有人认为这只是短短的一周。 正是这种误解导致他们早逝。

The information I gleaned from WhatsApp is that for one and a half  month (46 days) after the vaccination, we have to be extra careful to avoid being infected, because our immunity will be lower than usual.  China’s Zhong Nanshan once said that after we are vaccinated, it takes up to three months to improve our immunity, and it is after three months is that we are safest.

我从WhatsApp上得到的信息是接种疫苗后的一个半月(46天),我们要格外小心避免被感染,因为我们的免疫力会比平时低。 中国钟南山曾经说过,我们接种疫苗后,最少需要三个月的时间来提高我们的免疫力,三个月后才是最安全的。

I hope that your newspapers and all social media can spread this life-critical information widely.


 I hope that the Ministry of Health MUST broadcast this information in Malay, English, Indian and Chinese non-stop in all vaccination centers, so that everyone can receive this message, and treat this message with the same weight as the "wear masks and wash hands frequently" and "persuade vaccination" public service advertisements and so on.


Should this not be so, the number of vaccinated people who contracted Covid-19 due to neglect of epidemic prevention actions will increase, as would the number of those severely affected.  What's more fearful is that those who have been vaccinated believe that they are immune to Covid-19 and delay seeking medical treatment when symptoms arise.  As a result, the virus will spread to people in close contact with him.  One can just imagine how wide this chain of infection can be. It can also be said that these close contact Covid-19 patients would have needlessly caught the disease, and similarly, needlessly died from it.

如果不是这样,因忽视防疫行动而感染新冠肺炎的已接种疫苗人数将会增加,受到严重影响的人数也会增加。 更可怕的是,接种过疫苗的人认为他们对新冠肺炎已经免疫,并在出现症状时推迟就医。 结果,病毒会传播给与他有密切接触的人。 可以想象这一感染链的范围有多广。 也可以说,这些密切接触的新冠肺炎患者没必要去感染这种疾病,同样,也没必要因此而死亡。

Due to the number of vaccinated people dying, and the increase in the number of such deaths, it is inevitable that many people MAY lose their trust in the vaccine or complain that a certain brand of vaccine is not good.  It would also lead to people considering whether to be inoculated or not?  Ultimately, all these problems arise due to the reduced immunity after the inoculation.

由于接种疫苗的人数不断增加,死亡人数也不断增加,难免会有很多人对疫苗可能失去信任,或者抱怨某个品牌的疫苗不好。 也会引起人们考虑要不要接种? 最终,所有这些问题的出现都是由于接种后免疫力的下降。

The Country advocates vaccination because “Lindung Diri, Lindung Semua.”


However, if the correct information on post vaccination awareness is NOT released to the people, the unfortunate result will be Bunuh Diri, Bunuh Semua.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Block em' All

hi and welcome to another Friday with your boi Nate. The game I have for you today is somewhat of a casual sports game called, Block em' All. if you like basketball ull like this fun, wacky, casual game by Rollic and Lost Panda. The objective of the game is guessed it, block all shots coming from the opponent. To do this, you have to swipe up in the trajectory of the ball and block the shots. dont be so swipe-happy as hitting the players constitutes a foul. I left you a Youtube link and link for you to download the game to your Android and Apple Devices. Thanks and enjoy!!!


Click on the link to download the game to your Apple devices:

Click the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

King of Crabs

Well this is one hell of a game. Oh hey welcome to another Wednesday with your boi Nate. By the way todays game speaks to me a lot, just because i love crabs and eat em habitually. Being a crab in the Phillipines though has a negative connotation, but u dnt hav to belive it if it aint true. Anyway back to the game, in the game, you play a crab, its an open-world game actually its an mmo (massive multi-player open world) game. You play a crab and its your mission to be the biggest baddest crab in the ocean. To do that, you have to defeat other crabs, eat through the sea life, open crates which contain weapons. Thank you to Robot Squid LTD for making this awesomely addictive and fun game, by the way its an online game and would require at leadt 295.4MB of your memory. Thank you guys and I hope you enjoy!!

Click on the link to download the game to you Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Monday, August 9, 2021

Online Bar: Clash Royale

Hi guys welcome to another Tuesday in the online bar, well today i had a battle with anpro and won... twas a neat battle where one side wasnt greater than the other. I hope u guys enjoy watching the match!!! have a great week ahead!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Text or Die

a wicked Monday to y'all. I hope you all had a great weekend despite this never ending pandemic!! Well, today i have an awesome game for you folks. It's called Txt ir Die and is a multiplayer game. Those who are drawn to the sea will think twice when you play this game. The objective of the game is to give the longest possible answer to a given question, your answer will translate to the number of floatation devices that will add up under you to avoid being eaten by the shark as the tide rises. to explain better, i left you guys a sample video. Thank you Rollic Games, I hope u churn out more fun and exciting games like this. Oww Im sorry the game is not available on android as of the moment. Thank you guys for keeping it with me! 

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

not available on android

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Idle Museum

Hi guys, welcome to another Friday with your boi Nate, anyway the game I have for u today is a sim, one of the firsts simulation I have played and reviewed.It is called Idle Museum and the game does not over promise or compromise on stuff. it is a simulation on how you will manage your “ museum”. it is well connected to Facebook which gives it a social aspect. The graphics are also alright, they are cartoonishly cute. basically the objective of the game is to manage your museum and make sure of its upkeep, i mean its maintenance and security. Among that,you can also upgrade your museum via, individual galleries. Hope you can give this game a chance, Oh and by the way its got great music too, jazzy in an elevator sense, also, you make money through the galleries you put up and you will see your income progress through a throbber.  Thank you to Pixodust Aplicativos LTDA. I left you a sample youtube video and links go your Apple and Android Devices. thanks and enjoy!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Gold Miner Queen

2. Gold Miner Queen

Colour Manor Stats

 1. Colour Manor stats and comments 


Games that "promise" to pay out

  1. Colour Manor

Well hello guys, let me just put on my investigative journalist hat. first of all this is not your usual run-of-the-mill game review. As a mobile gamer and as a media owner i feel that i have a responsibility to expose games that promise certain things that do not deliver. Perhaps you have encountered this game or have read comments on apple, since the game is not available on the play store. This makes me wonder, is Apple in on this??? Clearly the game is a scam. Let me be the one to be scammed so you dont have to. I have logged every time i have played the game, for 11 days. Ok the game promises to pay out on your Paypal account once you reach the $100 limit. But the thing is, you will never reach that. okay so I first decided to give them the benefit of the doubt that they would payout once you reach $100 but no, it seems impossible to even reach $100, it would payout less nd less and your win rate would significantly decrease. Ive logged every time I played the game and even charted it, please check it out in the new page:

As you can notice the game does not pay out as much in the end, and would take a couple of 100 plays to reach $100 since they only give out 0.1 cents or it’d take 100 plays to reach a dollar. 

I would have contacted Jie Fun ( the developer)for their comments and reactions but there is no way of contacting them. everything is in Chinese and clearly im no expert in the language. So there it is from me, please stay away from this game, to be fair though, the game is entertaining, and plays much like King's Candy Crush, perhaps they took inspiration from it. But they made it that it's more difficult and impossible to reach $100.

  1. Gold Miner Queen

    • Not singling out any one, but Gold Miner Queen is also a scam. But i did not spend as much time on this game as I did on Colour Manor. The scam starts when you reach the payout limit of 14999 it suddenly changes to a higher limit, 25000 thus disabling you to cash out on anything. I also logged my play time and the amounts. This game is more of a solid scam than the previous, because we all know that they make money from ads, the game suddenly runs out of ads to show, not even mentioning that they are doing updates or whatnot. I placed the log below. As of yesterday I did not find the game in the play store or Google Play. Maybe they got0 banned or is hiding in a new name. check out the stats in my new page:

The take away is if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.,

Monday, August 2, 2021

Online Bar: Clash Royale

 Hi guys welcome to another Tuesday with your boi Nate, well, today on the Online bar I had a match with Fabi and won, good game tho. I almost didnt handle ur wizards. Anyways thank you for keeping it with me nd i hope you guys are enjoying my posts. Tomorrow will be somewhat interesting because i have an expose for you guys! I hope it tickles your fancy. cheers! see you tomorrow!!

Sunday, August 1, 2021


Welcome to another Monday withcha boi!! Today the game i got for you us nothing new and has been out for a while now. It is called slug , by Voodoo and Madfatcat Games. it is sort if a puzzle game, actually 
  it mixes the genres of a puzzle and a physics game which makes this game so fun to play. the objective is to build a set of cocoons leading towards the apple you should eat to advance to the next level. for more info, i made you guys a video on the actual game play. Thanks for keeping it here! peace out!!!!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Undead City

Hi guys! Welcome to a brand new week! And with a new week, comes a new game, Undead City. It is a survival game and if you are into Marvel c...