Friday, August 13, 2021

Weekend Post

*contains covid related warnings

Very important info !!! to stay alive

🟥🟨🟥 *非常重要的信息!!!为活着*

*All those vaccinated MUST READ!!!*


To the editors-in-chief of Sin Chew Daily, China Daily and Oriental Daily:


A few days ago, many citizens who were vaccinated have also contracted Covid-19 and died, among of which are middle-aged and elderly.  It hurts me very much, especially since many of them were friends from the neighbourhood I know.  According to the verbal information received, the dead were infected within one and a half month after the vaccination.  🟨🟥

几天前,许多接种疫苗的公民也感染了新冠肺炎而死亡,其中包括中老年人。 这让我感觉很伤心,尤其是因为他们中的许多人都是我所认识的邻居朋友。 根据收到的口头信息,死者在接种疫苗后的一个半月内被感染。

I know that when we are vaccinated, our immunity is lower than before.  Therefore, the chance of contracting Covid-19 is higher.  However, most of our citizens lack this knowledge. After being vaccinated, they think they don’t need to wear masks, wash hands frequently and disinfect frequently; they would go to market and walk around, etc...  As a result, these unfortunate citizens fall sick!  

我知道当我们接种疫苗时,我们的免疫力比以前更低。 因此,感染新冠肺炎的机会更高。 然而,我们大部分市民都缺乏这方面的知识。 接种疫苗后,他们认为不需要戴口罩、勤洗手、勤消毒; 他们会去市场走动等等……结果,这些公民不幸的染疫了!

There are also some people who know that their immunity will be lower after vaccination.  However, they have misunderstood the length of the low immunity period, and some think it is only a one short week.  It is this misunderstanding that leads them to an early death.

 也有一些人知道接种疫苗后免疫力会降低。 然而,他们误解了低免疫力期的期限,有人认为这只是短短的一周。 正是这种误解导致他们早逝。

The information I gleaned from WhatsApp is that for one and a half  month (46 days) after the vaccination, we have to be extra careful to avoid being infected, because our immunity will be lower than usual.  China’s Zhong Nanshan once said that after we are vaccinated, it takes up to three months to improve our immunity, and it is after three months is that we are safest.

我从WhatsApp上得到的信息是接种疫苗后的一个半月(46天),我们要格外小心避免被感染,因为我们的免疫力会比平时低。 中国钟南山曾经说过,我们接种疫苗后,最少需要三个月的时间来提高我们的免疫力,三个月后才是最安全的。

I hope that your newspapers and all social media can spread this life-critical information widely.


 I hope that the Ministry of Health MUST broadcast this information in Malay, English, Indian and Chinese non-stop in all vaccination centers, so that everyone can receive this message, and treat this message with the same weight as the "wear masks and wash hands frequently" and "persuade vaccination" public service advertisements and so on.


Should this not be so, the number of vaccinated people who contracted Covid-19 due to neglect of epidemic prevention actions will increase, as would the number of those severely affected.  What's more fearful is that those who have been vaccinated believe that they are immune to Covid-19 and delay seeking medical treatment when symptoms arise.  As a result, the virus will spread to people in close contact with him.  One can just imagine how wide this chain of infection can be. It can also be said that these close contact Covid-19 patients would have needlessly caught the disease, and similarly, needlessly died from it.

如果不是这样,因忽视防疫行动而感染新冠肺炎的已接种疫苗人数将会增加,受到严重影响的人数也会增加。 更可怕的是,接种过疫苗的人认为他们对新冠肺炎已经免疫,并在出现症状时推迟就医。 结果,病毒会传播给与他有密切接触的人。 可以想象这一感染链的范围有多广。 也可以说,这些密切接触的新冠肺炎患者没必要去感染这种疾病,同样,也没必要因此而死亡。

Due to the number of vaccinated people dying, and the increase in the number of such deaths, it is inevitable that many people MAY lose their trust in the vaccine or complain that a certain brand of vaccine is not good.  It would also lead to people considering whether to be inoculated or not?  Ultimately, all these problems arise due to the reduced immunity after the inoculation.

由于接种疫苗的人数不断增加,死亡人数也不断增加,难免会有很多人对疫苗可能失去信任,或者抱怨某个品牌的疫苗不好。 也会引起人们考虑要不要接种? 最终,所有这些问题的出现都是由于接种后免疫力的下降。

The Country advocates vaccination because “Lindung Diri, Lindung Semua.”


However, if the correct information on post vaccination awareness is NOT released to the people, the unfortunate result will be Bunuh Diri, Bunuh Semua.


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