Thursday, March 31, 2022

Heads Off

Hello and welcome to the first day of april! On a Friday,   I hope that everyone had a great and productive day! Hahaha and April fools!! Sorry I’m not that positive hehehe. But what i hav for you is an awesome game by Ponos Corporation called Heads Off. The way to describe this game is awesomely weird. Basically the objective is to make a severed head travel as far as it can with its screams. It’s a one player game where ur ultimate opponent is yourself. I really enjoyed playing this game, so if you are into the odd and macabre, this game will be right up your alley. Thank you guys and I hope you enjoy the game!! Don’t lose your heads, or do?Enjoy!!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Battle Golf

Hello and welcome to the middle of the week, i hope that the week is treating you right. Todays game is an awesome one to say the least and is one that i hope brings joy despite whats been happening around the world. Todays game is Battle Golf. It is a 1v1 game where the objective is to guesstimate the proper angle and strength from which to hot the ball to the middle Island, That is where the hole is placed. You may also hit the other player competing with you if you can accurately hit the ball to his/her direction. All in all it’s a fun and wholesome game. Thanks guys and i hope you have fun the rest of the week! And cheers to Brad Erikkila for the unique and awesome game!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices: details?id=com.kappsule.battleg

Sunday, March 27, 2022


Hello guys! Id like to welcome you to a brand new week! I hope your weekends were fun! Well, to start the week right id want to share with you guys a great game, a game which is really underrated but is gaining some traction, and is slowly gaining an online community. The game is called Mimicry. The objective is much like other games but the graphics and the community is a fun experience. I hope this makes your week! And i hope the devs fix their facebook integration which i think would do wonders for the already well made game. Oww, btw Mimicry is a play 

of words for mimic and cryo, since the game setting is somewhere cold, it is much like the movie the thing i think..But yeah, mimicry is something to play, and if your a newbie like I am, it is something to explore.

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Axe Climber

Hi guys! And welcome to the middle of the week. Gosh, its been so hot lately in my country that i have decided to feature an ice mountain themed game. It’s called Axe Climber, where the objective is to “guesstimate” how far you climb, by touching the screen and releasing when you think your ice pick is the right length. Thank you to MadFatCat for releasing this game at the right time. When the weather is really hot. It kind of gives a sense of hope and something cooler to look forward to. Enjoy!!!

None in Google Play

Monday, March 21, 2022

Mini Basketball

A happy Monday to y’all, i hope you hav a produtive week ahead! Well today i have a neat game for you guys by the gaming powerhpuse mini clip. The game is called mini basketball, although admittedly, the game is ideally played on a console on the television, the game is nicely blended into the mobile, and the controls works well, though not perfect i hope they get to resolve the issue in future updates. Thank you Mini Clip for the amazing game, it is graphically awesome and the cartoonish vibe gives it a nice touch. Also the game is in essence a multiplayer, so you can randomly match with anyone around the world. Also, there is the social aspect where you can add friends nd stuff, very nicely done!!! Well, i hope you guys enjoy and have fun!!! Have an awesome week ahead!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Friday, March 18, 2022

Vector 2

Hi folks! I hope you are doing fine despite it being the last day of the week! I hope the week has been kind to you so far. Well today I’d like to share with you a beautifully done game by Nekki. It is a 2D runner. Much like other endless runners, this runner ends on a per level run. Although it limits movement it makes up for it in masterful design and animation. The design is of a utopian future, where the objective is to escape. Ive played vector 1 it is pretty similar to the sequel. Thank you for the great game Nekki and to all of you, a glorious weekend and enjoy! 

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tasty Planet

Welcome to the middle of the week guys, where the countdown to the weekend begins for me. I hope the week has been productive for y’all. Todays game is the funnest i have played in a while, it utilizing ur phones gyroscope nd all. It interacts well with your character. While you tilt left or right your character also tilt to that direction. Its a 360 degree map ythat you will be playing on but on 2d. The objective is simple, it’s to eat the world!! Thank you much Dingo Games for the entertaining and fun game. Oww since this is the lite version, i suggest you get the full version if u found the game to be fun. Thanks and as always enjoy!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:


Sunday, March 13, 2022


Welcome to a brand new week with your boi! I hope your weekend was fun! Todays game is a puzzle game and nonetheless beautifully designed, it is Aquavias. The objective of this puzzle game is to build a path for the water to flow to the other end by avoiding it spilling a drop. This game is very relaxing and the graphics are just great..thanks to IIlia Korolkov for the amazingly beautiful and relaxing game!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Thursday, March 10, 2022


Hi guys and welcome to the end of the week. Being that we are in the last stretch of the week, I would like to share a neat game, something from the 80’s era, Lemmings. I remember playing this game in MS Dos, not even Windows. Back then being young and dumb, i couldn’t understand the games objective. But now that I’m older I understand full and well the games objective and how it’s played. Perhaps I was more concerned of the graphics more than i was with the objective. Well the objective of this game varies, depending on the number of lemmings you have to safely get to the exit( you can view the video I made in YouTube) The more lemmings you save, the more energy you get, and the more energy you get, the more chances of playing the next level. Well, i really enjoyed playing this game credits to Sad Puppy and Sony for reinvigorating this gem of a game!!! And thank you guys for your support! Enjoy!!! Its 307.9mb on Apple and  83mb on Android. 

Oh and i must take note, this is one of the cutest games Ive played.

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Plants Vs Zombies 2


Welcome to another middle of the week with your boi nate. Today’s game needs no introduction as it is very well known, it’s Plants vs. Zombies 2. It is very much like the first release, difference is there are newer units and much improved graphics. Thanks to Popcap Games for this game! Makes me wonder, Im sure that there is an animated/live action movie in the works for this game, I for one am definitely watching it when it comes out. Enjoy!!!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link to download the game to your Android Devices:

Sunday, March 6, 2022


A great and productive Monday to you guys! I hope your weekends were great 

And my last game was a blast! Todays game is a simple yet fun one. It is called steve and is a widget game. In a sense that it is just there on your main menu. Being a widget game you wouldnt have to open the game to be able to play it, it is there available to play on the main menu. It is nothing extra-ordinary or special in terms of the graphics but works well on your Apple Devices. Im sorry Android users, this game is not available on the play store...hope you have fun and enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

None in the Google Play Store.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


Hi guys! Congratulations for reaching the end of the week! Before you party and all, today i have an old classic game for you. Q*bert, it is the most classic of all the games i have ever featured. Q*bert has been a staple in the Atari and now it’s in mobile. It was even featured in the Sony movie Pixels. Thank you to Sony Pictures Television for keeping this game alive and making it still look good after all these years. I saw q*bert being featured in the movie pixels and wreck it ralph. Seeing him just made me remember my childhood. Thanks guys and i hope you enjoy the puzzle game!!!

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

Undead City

Hi guys! Welcome to a brand new week! And with a new week, comes a new game, Undead City. It is a survival game and if you are into Marvel c...