Sunday, March 6, 2022


A great and productive Monday to you guys! I hope your weekends were great 

And my last game was a blast! Todays game is a simple yet fun one. It is called steve and is a widget game. In a sense that it is just there on your main menu. Being a widget game you wouldnt have to open the game to be able to play it, it is there available to play on the main menu. It is nothing extra-ordinary or special in terms of the graphics but works well on your Apple Devices. Im sorry Android users, this game is not available on the play store...hope you have fun and enjoy!

Click on the link to download the game to your Apple Devices:

None in the Google Play Store.

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Undead City

Hi guys! Welcome to a brand new week! And with a new week, comes a new game, Undead City. It is a survival game and if you are into Marvel c...