Thursday, March 10, 2022


Hi guys and welcome to the end of the week. Being that we are in the last stretch of the week, I would like to share a neat game, something from the 80’s era, Lemmings. I remember playing this game in MS Dos, not even Windows. Back then being young and dumb, i couldn’t understand the games objective. But now that I’m older I understand full and well the games objective and how it’s played. Perhaps I was more concerned of the graphics more than i was with the objective. Well the objective of this game varies, depending on the number of lemmings you have to safely get to the exit( you can view the video I made in YouTube) The more lemmings you save, the more energy you get, and the more energy you get, the more chances of playing the next level. Well, i really enjoyed playing this game credits to Sad Puppy and Sony for reinvigorating this gem of a game!!! And thank you guys for your support! Enjoy!!! Its 307.9mb on Apple and  83mb on Android. 

Oh and i must take note, this is one of the cutest games Ive played.

Click on the link below to download the game to your Apple Devices:

Click on the link below to download the game to your Android Devices:

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